Prof. Dhirendra Nath Buragohain
Emeritus Professor and Founder Director, IIT Guwahati
About the Speaker

Prof. Dhirendra Nath Buragohain a Emeritus Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati. He has to his credit vast experience of more than 35 years as an academician, teacher, researcher and administrator. He is credited with supervising the construction designs for rehabiliation of Latur after the devastating earthquake in 1993 that claimed the lives of around 10,000 people. He has also been involved in development and transfer of technology in large numbers of industrial consultancy. He has served as a Professor at IIT Bombay and Project Director and Founder Director of IIT Guwahati from 1994 to 2003. He also served as the Chief Technical Officer at Civil Engineering Network Systems, Pune. His research areas encompass Structural Mechanics, FInite Element Methods, Numerical Methods, Computer Aided Amalysis and Design and Drafting among others.