env2024@iitg.ac.in,     +91-361-2583050


An International Conference on Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainable Solutions

The accommodation for all plenary/invited speakers will be provided in the IIT Guwahati Guesthouse. The delegates who have opted campus hostel accommodation (on payment basis/ refer to registration section for details) will be accommodated in student hostels within the IITG Guwahati campus. Accommodation will be provided only from 08-12 December, 2024. Participants who wish to continue their residence even after the conference dates may book the accomodation elsewhere and in advance.

Participants may also choose to stay off-campus guesthouses/hotels at their own cost. Particularly, the delegates with accompanying family members and friends may preferably have to choose off-campus accommodation. Guwahati city has plenty of options for accomodation in budget hotels and in even four-star hotels.


Guest House


Boys Hostel


Girls Hostel