env2024@iitg.ac.in,     +91-361-2583050


An International Conference on Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainable Solutions

Title of the Abstract

First Author1, Second Author2, and Third Author3

1 Author’s Department, Institute, City, State-Pin code, Country
2 Author’s Department, Institute, City, State-Pin code, Country
3 Author’s Department, Institute, City, State-Pin code, Country

Presenting Author’s Email Id: abc@iiitg.ac.in


Format: The abstract should be written in MS Word. Use A4 page set-up and make all margins 2.54 cm wide. The title is centered, bold Times New Roman 14pt; authors names are centered, in bold Times New Roman 12pt; and affiliation is Times New Roman 11pt (not bold). The email address of the presenting author must be provided. The body text must be written single spaced justified in Times New Roman 11 pt. (not bold). Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt before and after.

Length of the Abstract: The abstract should be 1 page and the word limit are 250-500 words (excluding the title, authors name and affiliations).

Keywords: Up to 5 words arranged in alphabetical order.